Hillshire Farm

The Ask

Hillshire Farm was interested in partnering with a publisher to engage with parents and rescue them from the daily grind of thinking up lunch ideas. By helping to drive recipe ideation in a fun way, they sought to transform lunchtime from ho-hum to "Oh, Hill Yeah!"

The Insight

According to a 2023 BDG Study, readers of parenting magazines cite Scary Mommy as having the following effects on them:

  1. It lightens up my everydayness
  2. Motivates me to become the person I aspire to be
  3. Helps me overcome challenges & makes me laugh

Combine that with the fact that 73% of consumers believe that AI has the power to impact their experience with a brand, and it was clear what BDG had to do in order to give our audience of parents the serviceable levity they rely on us for while creating an innovative and inspirational experience with Hillshire Farm. (Source: 73% of Consumers Believe AI can have a Positive Impact on their Customer Experience)

The Solution

Introducing LNCHbot: BDG’s first AI-powered chatbot with its own dedicated website. This little kitchen companion is playful. It’s charming. It’s intuitive to interact with. And most importantly, it’s helpful.

A ChatGPT-based interface, Hillshire Farm’s recipe database, custom design work, and our signature Scary Mommy tone combined to make this engaging destination. Our 3D-rendered sandwich served users individualized lunch recipes with a side of delightful conversation, whether they wanted a recommendation for “something warm and cheesy,” tips on how to properly slice an avocado, or a joke zinger to lighten the mood.

We promoted the Scary Mommy x Hillshire Farm LNCHbot across the full suite of BDG parenting sites on social and via newsletters.

Try It Now

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The Results

In addition to overwhelmingly positive audience responses such as

“I’m now gonna buy Hillshire Farm next time I go into the grocery store”


“The LNCHbot made me think about Hillshire Farm where I kind of never had before,”


the campaign delivered:


total campaign impressions



benchmark for avg. time spent with LNCHbot on desktop



total shared recipes



into the most popular recipe: the California Style Turkey Sandwich